American Cuisine

The Buzz Kitchen + Cocktails

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374 Bank St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1Y4, Canada

Cafes Day Off!

Nora’s Fresh Cafe


711 Concession St Juravinski Hospital, level 0, Hamilton, Ontario L8V 1C3 Canada

American Cuisine Day Off!

Chagall’s Restaurant


116 King St W Inside the Sheraton hotel 2nd Floor, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4V3 Canada

Canadian (New)

At the Crossroads Restaurant

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384 Arthur Street South Elmira, Ontario, Canada N3B 2P4

Mediterranean Cuisine

Stone House Restaurant’s Abrupt Shutdown

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3106 S Service Rd, Burlington, ON L7N 3J3, Canada

Vegetarian / Vegan Day Off!

Odd Burger (formerly Globally Local)

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Bathurst 492 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M6G 1A4